The first time I went to Greece it was for work, many years ago, in a rush, without actually having the chance to see anything. Just a wonderful breach. But I knew inside of me that the country of Socrates, Heraclitus and Plato would have had much to tell me and that it was also...Read More
When you think about Vietnam you have thousands images except those of a wellness paradise where the culture of wellbeing reigns supreme and where it is simple to recover inner peace and a widespread feeling of serenity.Read More
Biodanza helps to find the integration, stimulating the function of connection with life and connecting with ourselves, with each other and with the universe. Integrating oneself means rediscovering the psychophysical unity. Integrating with the other means rediscovering the original bond that unites us. Integration with the Universe means finding again the deep connection with nature...Read More
My name is Raffaella, I am 42 years old and my life is full of "noise": I deal with communication and the contact with people, with their problems and the management of conflicts are my daily bread. A job I love but which is draining. After 2 years of non-stop I needed silence, no voice...Read More
To be conscious: this is my priority when I start a new path, whether it is professional or personal. When I started to get interested in Ayurveda it was natural for me to try to learn fundamental aspects, being guided by those who knew in depth this ancient medicine capable of redesigning the approach to...Read More
I understood the profound meaning of Coelho's "The Alchemist" ("The whole universe conspires with the success of the one who is making his personal legend"), after reading Jérôme Bourgine. In an article for the French magazine "Inexploré", the author told how the journey, in its purest essence of "going", is an initiation into life, an...Read More
I learnt the hard way that there is not a single India but a thousand, marked by languages, cultures, different cuisines but deeply equal because connected by a common thread that binds and defines them. It is the thread of deep mysticism, of the journey of the soul, of the discovery of the interiority that...Read More
My personal trainer is traveling. It is a coach who is very pretentious because he asks to put all my abilities into play and to free them, allowing me to perceive and receive all the inputs coming from the outside. But above all it leads me to get involved making me discover resources often unknown...Read More
I did not approach the yoga world casually. I lived a period of great tensions, when body and mind traveled on parallel tracks with inevitable emotional and physical blackouts, clear signs of how it was essential to change my lifestyle. My change came with the opportunity to take part in a yoga holiday. At the...Read More
Words have the power to make emotions live, move the soul, instill joy and give opportunities for knowledge. The stories have the merit of making us feel part of a project, allowing us to recognize chapters of our experience in that of others or to project ourselves into experiences that we would like to live....Read More