My Ideal Traveling was founded with this objective: to consent to the undertaking of an inward voyage choosing the world as the setting, a retreat, esteemed by the Ayurveda and Oriental Medicine holistic cultures, as a base, and specialists who are able to assist, support, motivate and suggest treatments and itineraries, which involve body-mind-spirit as companions for your journey.
The journey thus recovers its universal dimension of exploration and discovery not only of new places and cultures, but also of one’s own individuality, one’s own needs, one’s most authentic needs, which are often suffocated by layers of noise, commitments and stress.
Yoga, meditation, wellness treatments become access keys to switch to a more aware and authentic dimension.
The Holistic Approach, intended as a way of understanding the human being in their entirety, collectively considering all their dimensions (physical, mental, energetic and spiritual), also defines the modus operandi of My Ideal Traveling. Any travel proposal is the result of an attentive understanding of a person and their expectations. Every itinerary is customized to answer the often unconscious question that led to the need to “move.” Each route is calibrated, taking into account the experiences of the individual and their true needs: regeneration? Stress management? Energy or emotional release? Relax?