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My Ideal Traveling > Blog > Anxiety disorders and Ayurveda treatments

Anxiety disorder is becoming a common health condition in the present stressful life. Treatment in Ayurveda takes a comprehensive view of an individual’s physical, social, emotional and spiritual conditions. These attributes have an effect on prana vata, a subsidiary of vata dosha which become aggravated with worry, anxiety and depression. Prana vata weakens the nervous system and triggers mental imbalance. It also weakens the neuro-hormonal system and nerve impulses. Ayurvedic treatment of anxiety disorder would involve curbing aggravated prana vata and increasing sattva guna, which envisages a stable and peaceful mind through self-realization and self-control, and appropriate changes in diet and lifestyle.
Palpitations, sleep disturbances, breathlessness, dry mouth, feeling of panic, fear & uneasiness, cold or sweaty extremities, nausea are the common symptoms of anxiety disorder.
Ayurveda treatments like, snehapanam, abhyangam, sirodhara, sirovasti etc are very helpful in these conditions.

Diet & Lifestyle Advice
Fresh fruits, fruit juices, vegetables (raw or cooked or boiled), vegetable juices, sprouts, nuts, dry fruits, honey, milk, ghee, fresh butter, and buttermilk are the best to increase sattva and enrich the mind. Try to cut down, or if possible stop, the use of black tea, coffee, white flour products, chocolates, white sugar products, deep fried foods, hot spices, meat, fish, and eggs. Such restrictions benefit in anxiety disorders.
Breathing exercises:

Mind has a very close relation with breathing. A person has short and shallow breathing when anxious or stressed and has deep breathing when relaxed and happy. Next time you become stressed, watch your breathing. Try to slow it down. Take a relaxed position and breathe deep using the abdomen muscles. Let the diaphragm expand while breathing in, and contract while breathing out. This will immediately relax you and reduce anxiety attacks. Exercise, meditation, relaxation techniques and Yoga postures are also recommended.

Article written by: Dr. Baijums from Ananda Lakshmi Ayurveda Resort

My Ideal Traveling

Monica Bevacqua, My Ideal Traveling founder

“I have often found myself with a goodbye to make, a suitcase to prepare, a radical change to deal with and a new dimension to find. Managing changes in work, life and prospects have led me to my most authentic metamorphosis: to make a profession of the travel experience.

I  wanted to offer a choice of wellbeing paths, itineraries as evolutionary routes, to relax, disconnect the mind, but above all to learn to eat properly, to get moving, and to feel the value and importance of being at one with nature. Traveling is not only advancing, or embarking on a journey, it’s also a way to reach one’s center and direct oneself towards the other, diversity. This is where our true inner wealth is born“.
Monica Bevacqua, My Ideal Traveling founder

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